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Established to promote adequate care, safety, survival and protection of all children in Malawi and beyond.
“Nations free of abuse, exploitation and Violence against Children”
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We are proud to introduce Laura, who lives in Florida, USA. Laura has been a supporter of Eye of the Child for five years. 

“I donate because it takes so little to make a difference in the lives of boys and girls. The work of Eye of the Child helps change the trajectory of the lives of so many. Somewhere in the survivors are doctors, scientists, teachers and more. I hope to help them reach their potential.”
About Our Founder
Maxwell Matewere is Crime Prevention Expert on Human trafficking and Smuggling of Migrants and Child Protection in Malawi. He is former Special Law Commissioner on the development of the Trafficking in Persons Act (2015) in Malawi. In 2020 he was recognized by the United States of America, Department of State as a Global Hero for his successful development of national response against Trafficking in Persons in Malawi and rescue and rehabilitation of hundreds of victims of human trafficking, child labour, and child marriages. Maxwell also received an award as Human right Champion for Social Mobilization from the Ministry of Youth and Culture in Malawi and another award from National Youth Council of Malawi for his successful work that facilitated the developed of Youth work and space for active participation in Multiparty democracy. Maxwell brings along with him his work experience as a former Board member of the National Youth Council of Malawi; Board member of the Council for Non-Governmental Organization in Malawi (CONGOMA); Board member for the NGO Gender Coordinating Network (NGOGCN); Board member for NGO Regulatory Board of Malawi and Board Member for Human Right Consultative Committee [HRCC] and President for the Southern Africa Network Against abuse and trafficking of Children [SANTAC] in Maputo, Mozambique whose Patron was Gracia Michael and Bishop Desmond Tutu. SANTAC is a regional Network that covers 13 African Countries.

Maxwell founded Eye of the Child in Malawi and the Malawi Network against Trafficking (M-NAT). He has worked as a Resource Person who developed Community based Child Protection system in nine Africa countries for Firelight Foundation in USA. He has authored four education books on 1) Trafficking in Persons, 2) Child Sexual Abuse, 3) Advocacy for Children and 4) Social Entrepreneurship. Maxwell spends most of his free time visiting secondary schools, universities, and churches to conduct lectures, talks and training on Trafficking in Persons based on his work, research and book titled “Human Trafficking in Malawi: the untold Stories. 

You can follow our founders work through the links below 

• https://news.un.org/en/story/2022/06/1119612 
• http://www.tipheroes.org/maxwell-matewere/ 
• https://sw-ke.facebook.com/USEmbassyLilongwe/posts/today-ambassador-robert-scott-formally-presented-maxwell-matewere-with-his-certi/10159039459878604/ 
• https://www.frontrunnersinnovate.com/maxwell-matewere-is-saving-human-trafficking-victims/ 
• https://www.ungeneva.org/en/news-media/news/2020/11/first-person-fighting-human-trafficking-malawi 
• https://mg.co.za/africa/2021-07-23-one-mans-fight-against-human-trafficking-in-malawi/ 
• https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Likuni_Girls%27_Secondary_School 
• https://theowp.org/reports/human-trafficking-in-malawi-from-un-crime-experts-perspective/ 
• https://www.indepthnews.net/index.php/the-world/africa/3991-how-i-am-combating-human-trafficking-in-malawi • https://haas.stanford.edu/resources/community-partners/social-entrepreneurs-residence-stanford-seers/seers-fellows-bios 
• https://www.firelightfoundation.org/blog/2013/06/26/stanford-names-firelight-partner-social-entrepreneurship-fellow 
• https://www.breitbart.com/africa/2023/01/04/group-demands-child-trafficking-probe-of-madonnas-malawi-orphanage-based-on-singers-pro-lgbtqia-content/ 
• https://www.beijingnews.net/news/265929874/malawi-a-hotbed-for-human-trafficking 
• https://www.leymanck.com/religious-leaders-challenged-to-fight-human-trafficking/ 
• https://www.faceofmalawi.com/2013/01/21/boy-loses-genitals-in-phoney-accident/ 
• https://www.academia.edu/24966694/Evils_of_child_marriages 
• https://www.thenewhumanitarian.org/fr/node/239471 
• https://www.voanews.com/a/a-13-a-2002-02-28-38-child-66276352/540187.html 
• https://www.africanews.com/2016/08/16/malawi-hyena-man-eric-aniva-on-trial-the-morning-call// 


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